Update a limit using bconf


Run bconf update limit=limit_name. For example:
bconf update limit=Lim3 "JOBS=20; SLOTS=100"

Examples of changing a limit in two steps

Changing a limit using bconf might require two bconf calls if you have a dependent value or want to change from an integer to a percentage setting.

For example, given the limit L1 configured in lsb.resources, MEM is dependent on PER_HOST:

Begin Limit
 NAME          = L1
 PER_USER      = all
 PER_QUEUE     = normal priority
 PER_HOST      = all
 MEM           = 40%
End Limit

One bconf update call cannot reset both the PER_HOST value and dependent MEM percentage value:

bconf update limit=L1 "MEM=-;PER_HOST=-"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> rejected
Error(s): PER_HOST cannot be replaced due to the dependent resource MEM

Instead, reset MEM and PER_HOST in two steps:

bconf update limit=L1 "MEM=-;"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> accepted
bconf update limit=L1 "PER_HOST=-"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> accepted

Similarly, changing the value of SWP from a percentage to an integer requires two steps:

Begin Limit
 NAME          = L1
 SWP = 40%
End Limit
bconf update limit=L1 "SWP=20"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> rejected
Error(s): Cannot change between integer and percentage directly; reset the resource first

First reset SWP and then set as an integer, calling bconf twice:

bconf update limit=L1 "SWP=-;"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> accepted
bconf update limit=L1 "SWP=20"
bconf: Request for limit <L1> accepted