
Long format. Displays detailed information for each job in a multiline format.




bjobs -l


The -l option displays the following additional information: project name, job command, current working directory on the submission host, initial checkpoint period, checkpoint directory, migration threshold, pending and suspending reasons, job status, resource usage, resource usage limits information, runtime resource usage information on the execution hosts, and job description.

If the job was submitted with bsub -K, the -l option displays Synchronous Execution.

Use bjobs -A -l to display detailed information for job arrays including job array job limit (% job_limit) if set.

Use bjobs -ss -l to display detailed information for session scheduler jobs.

If JOB_IDLE is configured in the queue, use bjobs -l to display job idle exception information.

If you submitted your job with the -U option to use advance reservations created with the brsvadd command, bjobs -l shows the reservation ID used by the job.

If LSF_HPC_EXTENSIONS="SHORT_PIDLIST" is specified in lsf.conf, the output from bjobs is shortened to display only the first PID and a count of the process group IDs (PGIDs) and process IDs for the job. Without SHORT_PIDLIST, all of the process IDs (PIDs) for a job are displayed.

If LSF_HPC_EXTENSIONS="HOST_RUSAGE" is specified in lsf.conf, the output from bjobs -l reports the correct rusage based 's usage and the total rusage being charged to the execution host.

If you submitted a job with multiple resource requirement strings using the bsub -R option for the order, same, rusage, and select sections, bjobs -l displays a single, merged resource requirement string for those sections, as if they were submitted using a single -R.

If you submitted a job using the OR (||) expression to specify alternative resources, this option displays the Execution rusage string with which the job runs.

Start of change Predicted start time for PEND reserve job will not be shown with bjobs -l. LSF does not calculate predicted start time for PEND reserve job if no back fill queue is configured in the system. In that case, resource reservation for PEND jobs works as normal, and no predicted start time is calculated. End of change

For resizable jobs, the -l option displays active pending resize allocation requests, and the latest job priority for running jobs with active pending resize requests.

For jobs with user-based fairshare scheduling, displays the charging SAAP (share attribute account path).

For jobs submitted to an absolute priority scheduling (APS) queue, -l shows the ADMIN factor value and the system APS value if they have been set by the administrator for the job.

For jobs submitted with SSH X11 forwarding, displays that the job was submitted in SSH X11 forwarding mode as well as the SSH command submitted (set in LSB_SSH_XFORWARD_CMD in lsf.conf.)

If the job was auto-attached to a guarantee SLA, -l displays the auto-attached SLA name.

Specified CWD shows the value of the bsub -cwd option or the value of LSB_JOB_CWD. The CWD path with pattern values is displayed. CWD is the submission directory where bsub ran. If specified CWD was not defined, this field is not shown. The execution CWD with pattern values is always shown.

If the job was submitted with an energy policy, to automatically select a CPU frequency, -l will show the Combined CPU frequency (the CPU frequency selected for the job based on the energy policy tag, energy policy and threshold file). If the job was submitted with a user defined CPU frequency (using bsub –freq), -l will show the Specified CPU frequency for the job.


bjobs -pl

Displays detailed information about all pending jobs of the invoker.