Submits an interactive X-Window job.




bsub -IX [-tty]

Conflicting options

Do not use with the following options: -I, -Ip, -IS, -ISp, -ISs, -Is, -K.


A new job cannot be submitted until the interactive job is completed or terminated.

Sends the job's standard output (or standard error) to the terminal. Does not send mail to you when the job is done unless you specify the -N option.

The session between X-client and X-server is encrypted; the session between the execution host and submission host is also encrypted. The following must be satisfied:

  • openssh must be installed and sshd must be running on the X-server
  • xhost + localhost or xhost + displayhost.domain.com on the X-server
  • ssh must be configured to run without a password or passphrase ($HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys must be set up)
    Note: In most cases ssh can be configured to run without a password by copying id_rsa.pub as authorized_keys with permission 600 (-rw-r--r--). Test by manually running ssh host.domain.com between the two hosts both ways and confirm there are no prompts using fully qualified host names.

If the -i input_file option is specified, you cannot interact with the job's standard input via the terminal.

If the -o out_file option is specified, sends the job's standard output to the specified output file. If the -e err_file option is specified, sends the job's standard error to the specified error file.

If used with -tty, also displays output/error on the screen.

Interactive jobs cannot be checkpointed.

Interactive jobs are not rerunnable (bsub -r).