
Submits jobs in the specified job group.




bsub -g job_group_name


The job group does not have to exist before submitting the job. For example:
bsub -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob
Job <105> is submitted to default queue.

Submits myjob to the job group /risk_group/portfolio1/current.

If group /risk_group/portfolio1/current exists, job 105 is attached to the job group.

Job group names can be up to 512 characters long.

If group /risk_group/portfolio1/current does not exist, LSF checks its parent recursively, and if no groups in the hierarchy exist, all three job groups are created with the specified hierarchy and the job is attached to group.

You can use -g with -sla. All jobs in a job group attached to a service class are scheduled as SLA jobs. It is not possible to have some jobs in a job group not part of the service class. Multiple job groups can be created under the same SLA. You can submit additional jobs to the job group without specifying the service class name again. You cannot use job groups with resource-based SLAs that have guarantee goals.

For example, the following attaches the job to the service class named opera, and the group /risk_group/portfolio1/current:
bsub -sla opera -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob
To submit another job to the same job group, you can omit the SLA name:
bsub -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob2