Here you can find solutions to some common problems encounter by our users.
1. When trying to submit a job I get “script is written in DOS/Windows text format“.
This is a known problem. The batch job scripts are simple text files, but there are different convention about text files formats in Windows and UNIX environment. So if you happened to modify the job script on a windows machine, or in any case if you encounter this error message, just login to any HPC nodes, and run the command dos2unix
followed by your job script, i.e.:
This should fix everything.
2. Unable to login via ssh after modifying by .bashrc/.profile
Please write an email to We do not recommend that you are “sourcing” other people’s files in your .bashrc. This is causing trouble sooner or later, because you are giving away the power of your account and other people can prevent that you can login at all. If you change your .bashrc or .profile yourself – keep your current shell open – and try to login in after the change you made whether it works or not. Then you have at least the possibility to revert your changes.